For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
There’s nothing wrong with peace and safety.
But we should understand who “they” is.
Not “you” fellow believers.
Not “we” Paul and his crew.
But “they” outsiders, unbelievers, even enemies.
“They” face sudden destruction.
“They” will not escape.
“They” are false prophets.
Not only are “they” indifferent to God, His word, His judgment
But “they” deceive others.
Positive thinking.
Raising your self-esteem.
Manifesting abundance.
Practicing gratitude.
Visualizing desired outcomes.
“Peace and safety.”
The reality is we will answer to a holy God
Who is coming to judge
To set things right
To cleanse and restore.
We can meet Jesus Christ as Savior or as Judge.
Will you listen to Him or to “them”?