A shattered childhood. A mended marriage. Bound together by one little boy.
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Since its release in April 2011 from Mindstir Media, Indemnity has spent time on the Inspirational Bestsellers list at Amazon.com, including reaching #1 in Hot New Releases. Read the latest reviews.
A covenant is a solemn, binding agreement. God chose to unilaterally enter into a covenant with Abraham. No matter what Abraham said or did, God vowed to uphold the terms and bless Abraham. Marriage is a covenant of trust built on that example, where husband and wife promise to love each other and be faithful to each other until death. These books explore how that covenant endures.
In the background of each story, God calls the characters to enter into a covenant of trust with Him, challenging them to place unwavering trust in His sovereignty, His purpose and His unfailing love for each of them.
In Indemnity: Book Two ( Release Date: April 2011) that covenant is threatened from the outside.
“Emotions Bobbi locked away churned to the surface. Searing pain surged through her, almost as fresh and real as the day she looked in Chuck’s eyes and knew he’d been unfaithful. She asked him point-blank if Tracy was pregnant, and he said no. If he lied … If he knew about this boy all these years … If he kept this a secret …”
After years of believing Chuck’s affair is behind them, Bobbi’s marriage is tested again when Tracy Ravenna resurfaces. Tracy’s not alone, though. Jackson Charles Ravenna is the newest student in Bobbi’s first grade class and the spitting image of her husband. When Chuck decides to pursue joint custody, they discover Jack isn’t the only secret Tracy’s been hiding.
As Tracy’s past begins to threaten their future with Jack, Bobbi is forced to face the unsettling truth about God’s grace. But this time, what will it cost to forgive the unforgivable?