We’re into the second month of the new year now. How are you doing on those resolutions? More importantly, are you experiencing REVIVAL? We have been looking at Biblical revivals to point us in the right direction. Last week, King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah renewed their faith in the midst of a battle. This week King Hezekiah leads Judah in a revival and renewed commitment to God. One of the revival’s early marks was an outpouring of sacrifices and offerings from the people.
When Hezekiah became king, his first act was reopen the Temple. It has been closed on the order of his father and had remained closed for a generation. He called for the priests and Levites to do whatever was necessary to prepare themselves and the Temple for worship. 2 Chronicles 29:17 tells us this task took sixteen days for this small army to accomplish.
Once completed the king oversaw a worship service unlike any that had been held in Judah in quite some time. In it Hezekiah proclaimed:
“Now you are consecrated to the LORD. Come near and bring sacrifices and thank offerings to the LORD’s temple.” So the congregation brought sacrifices and thank offerings, and all those with willing hearts brought burnt offerings.
2 Chronicles 29:31
The people responded and how. They brought so many offerings there weren’t enough priests to prepare them all. The revival continued and resulted in the greatest Passover celebration in the nation’s history.
So, what does this account have to do with us?
When our faith is revived, we can’t help but recognize all that God has done for us. Specifically, how He poured out His mercy and grace, lavishly and without reservation to save our unworthy souls. In turn, that realization stirs our hearts in at least two important ways.
- To bring our tithes and offerings to give generously to the work of the gospel.
Ministers and missionaries in the New Testament as well as those called today make their living from the gifts and offerings of those ministered to. Paul says in 1 Timothy
“Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”
1 Timothy 5:17-18
The world desperately needs the gospel and all believers can have a part in that great work through their gifts.
- To give generously to help those in need.
One of the distinctive marks of believers is their love and care for each other, especially those in need. Again, Paul says,
At present, however, I am going to Jerusalem bringing aid to the saints. For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make some contribution for the poor among the saints at Jerusalem.
Romans 15:25-26
If neither the spread of the gospel nor the needs of others move us to sacrifice and offerings perhaps we need revival as desperately as the people of Judah in Hezekiah’s day.