Reaching a goal
My Writing Goal
I have a passion for God’s word. It’s so true. It reveals His character and ours, and it contains all the guidance we need. Just this morning, I was reading Deuteronomy 29:29 “The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.”
To paraphrase (which I do quite often) God doesn’t tell us everything, BUT what He does tell us is enough to face everything in life in a way that honors Him. Several years ago I was struck by the fact that although many people believe the Bible, they don’t know what to do with it. A story began forming… a story about believers put in a very difficult- though not impossible and unfortunately not uncommon- situation, and then walking through the process of searching, struggling and surrendering to God’s principles.
So my goal when I write is to develop real, genuine characters who are not perfect but who wrestle with reacting on instinct or according to God’s principles, and it’s not easy. In Contingency, Bobbi has to face her husband’s infidelity. Divorce is a very real, very reasonable option, but God challenges her to go beyond that to forgiveness and reconciliation. It is a struggle, and it isn’t a happily-ever-after deal exactly, but God does a tremendous thing in the lives of Bobbi and Chuck and others who are touched by this.
I’ll be back to final editing of Contingency soon…