Scattering precious seed by the wayside,
Scattering precious seed by the hillside;
Scattering precious seed o’er the field, wide,
Scattering precious seed by the way.
Scattering precious seed for the growing,
Scattering precious seed, freely sowing,
Scattering precious seed, trusting, knowing,
Surely the Lord will send it the rain. [Refrain]
Scattering precious seed, doubting never,
Scattering precious seed, trusting ever;
Sowing the word with prayer and endeavor,
Trusting the Lord for growth and for yield. [Refrain]
Sowing in the morning,
Sowing at the noontide;
Sowing in the evening,
Sowing the precious seed by the way.
William Ogden, 1892
Read Luke 8:5-15
This is a simple hymn, but it reminds us that our focus, our responsibility is the sowing. We just have to get the gospel out there. God is responsible for the results. How do we sow? Praying and trusting God. The pressure is off. Sow some good seed today!