Today, I want to offer some quick tips for studying the book of Genesis. First tip – Don’t worry about all the “begats”.
The first book of the Bible is a great place to start studying God’s Word. It is the “book of beginnings”. Reading two chapters each day will finish off the book in under a month Kay Arthur’s notes in The New Inductive Study Bible divides the book into two sections. Chapters 1-11 describe four great events while chapters 12-50 look at the lives of four great people. Here are some things to look for as you read through Genesis:
Firsts – Of course Genesis tells of the first man and woman and so on, but it also describes the first act of worship. Interestingly, the first mention of love in the Scripture occurs in the context of a father’s love (ch. 22). That story of Abraham and Isaac is one of my favorites in all of Scripture.
God’s Revelation of Himself – God becomes more personal as the story unfolds. From Elohim in the opening words to God Almighty and the God Who Sees, God displays more of His character to His people
God Initiates – Everything we are and have comes from the will and hand of God. He made us, revealed Himself to us, and sought a relationship with us. After man’s failure, God’s in love and grace initiated redemption for a hopeless humanity. The story of His pursuit of us begins in Genesis.