But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them. 2 Timothy 3:14
I get a lot of spam email. Most of it can be divided into two categories– how to lose weight and how to get rich quick. The thing is, I know how to lose weight. Everyone does. Take in fewer calories than you burn. If you do that, you will lose weight, guaranteed. This plan is sometimes expanded to eat right and exercise, but it’s the same idea. Continue with the plan, be consistent, and in time, weight loss happens.
Oh wait – I left out the key spam word – easy. Every email promises an easy way to lose weight. Eat what you want. No exercise or effort is required and the pounds drop off.
Of course, there’s no such thing.
It’s the same way with getting rich. We all know how that happens. Spend less than you take in. Save, invest, and wait. It’s not hard or complicated. It just takes discipline and patience.
The emails, however, assure you that they know the secret to wealth. Buy their book, invest in their scheme, or take their course and the money will roll in.
If it were true, they wouldn’t have to resort to spam to find takers.
That’s the echo in Paul’s words to Timothy. “But you,” you be different. Don’t be like everyone else around you, ready to take the easy way and the quick fix. You be disciplined and patient. You stick to what you know. You continue in the things I taught you.
The advice is relevant for us today. Don’t fall for slick marketing, systems, and strategies. God grows us, and grows His kingdom slowly, patiently, with discipline. Want more intimacy with God? It takes time to develop. Want a more vibrant prayer life? It takes discipline. Want to do a better job sharing your faith? It takes practice. No shortcuts.