Fear makes you forget.
Consider Israel. Fear certainly made them forget.
And when Pharaoh drew near, the children of Israel lifted their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid, and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord. Exodus 14:10
Israel had just witnessed God’s care of them.
He had protected them through ten devastating plagues.
He had displayed his mighty power on their behalf.
He had delivered them from the bondage of slavery.
He had called them His very own and committed Himself to them.
But because they were afraid of the Egyptians, they forgot that God stood to defend them.
They forgot the promises He had made to them.
They forgot who they were.
What Egyptians are marching after you?
Don’t be afraid. Don’t forget what you know about Jehovah.
He cares for you.
He has protected you.
He has displayed His power on your behalf.
He delivered you.
He called you His own and committed Himself to you.
Stand still and watch what God does next.