You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; nor shall you testify in a dispute so as to turn aside after many to pervert justice. Exodus 23:2
Don’t follow the crowd.
That’s good enough advice on its own.
As believers we don’t line up with the world.
We’ve always been a minority.
This is bigger, though.
From the Hebrew, from the cultural context, it’s more like
Don’t follow a crowd because you’re afraid you’ll look foolish
Or weird, or backward, or bigoted,
If you don’t.
The second half is don’t take sides
When you have no personal knowledge.
It specifically applies to Israel’s beginning court system.
It applies more broadly to gossip …
To social media rants … To stirring the pot.
Just don’t.
God’s people must be brave enough
To make a stand apart from the crowd.
To stand for righteousness,
For grace, compassion, and love.
Even if that means
Standing alone.