We do this thing at my house, maybe you do it at yours too. We don’t always eat at the dining room table. Sometimes I eat at my desk. The kids often eat lunch in front of the television. My husband eats breakfast in the living room while he watches the news. Because of this, occasionally we end up with dirty dishes all over the house.
The only way we can solve this problem and get the dishes cleaned is when someone takes the dishes and puts them in the dishwasher. (I know what you’re thinking – don’t eat all over the house. But even if we eat in the dining room, at some point the dishes have to go into the dishwasher. Stay with me.)
Talking about how many dirty dishes there are doesn’t help.
Being sorry for the mess doesn’t help.
Apologizing for forgetting doesn’t help.
Admitting to laziness doesn’t help.
Even identifying which dishes are mine doesn’t help.
The only thing that will solve the problem is action– physically picking up the dishes and carrying them to the dishwasher, putting them inside, and running them through a cleaning cycle.
Now you see where I’m going with this. The only thing that will solve the issues in my life is not talking about them. It’s not being sorry for them. Or even admitting how I made them worse.
The only thing that works is when I bring my issues — my sins, my aggravations, my worries, whatever — to Jesus Christ and let Him do His transforming work. And that’s extremely important. Often we tell Jesus all about our stuff but we don’t ever surrender it. That’s like setting the dishes on top of the dishwasher. Or maybe even putting them inside without running the cycle. When that happens, all that’s really changed is geography.
Jesus changes things. He is more than able to take care of all the junk I bring Him. I just have to let Him have it.
Now, I think I have some dirty dishes to deal with.
I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Psalm 32:5