Thank you for your patience! On APRIL 17th you should be able to order your very own copy of REFINED in paperback. I will let you know the release dates for the e-books as soon as I have them. I so appreciate your enthusiastic anticipation. This story is one of my favorites. I had it outlined before I started work on CONTINGENCY. Incidentally, Cass didn't appear in the outline. She showed up once the actual drafting started. I'm so glad. I can't imagine Doug without Cass. (Also, without Cass, the ending of REFINED was much less happy.)
My son was actually the one who suggested the mirror image front and back covers for the books. His name is one the dedication page.
Before you ask, RESOLUTE, Book 3 will probably release early next year sometime.
In the meantime, I'm taking a break. (Taking a break from writing means writing, of course.) I'm having fun working on some backstory with Doug's parents.
My next real project is getting SANCTION edited.
Thank you for reading!