They forgot God their Savior, Who had done great things in Egypt. Psalm 106:21
This is a cautionary tale.
The exodus is an object lesson.
God delivered Israel from Egypt
He delivers us from the bondage of sin.
But after the rescue,
After the Israelites were saved,
Other things competed for their attention
Situations made them doubt God
They forgot God their Savior
They forgot what He done.
They ignored what He was doing.
They discounted what He would do.
We must remember what God has done.
He loved us.
He sent Jesus to die for us
To save us from the consequences of our sins.
We must recognize what God is doing right now.
He loves us.
He sent His Spirit to live within us.
To teach, guide, comfort and confirm us.
We must rejoice in what God will do.
He will love us with an everlasting love.
He will send Jesus for us
To consummate our salvation in eternity with Him.
Forgetting is easy.
It is passive.
It requires no effort.
Worship is active.
It is intentional.
We must do no less, though.
Worship Him! God your Savior!