[A]nd they shall not appear before the LORD empty-handed. Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you. Deuteronomy 16:16-17
In Israel, the worshippers always brought something with them.
An offering.
Something of value.
Carefully chosen.
But the time of Malachi, the worshippers were bringing something else.
The blind.
The lame.
The sick.
The leftovers.
I have had times worshipping when I brought
Offerings from the bounty of God’s blessing.
My time.
My energy.
A heart and mind ready to hear and be changed.
More often, I’ve brought something else.
Money I would rather spend on other things.
A heart and mind ready to move to the next thing.
Hardly according to the blessings the Lord has given me.