So when is the next book coming out? Not nearly soon enough for either one of us. Since graduation, we’ve gone from vacation to summer theater to VBS to finally catching our breath this week while my husband is spending the week on campus at seminary. We’ll have two more quiet weeks before band camp starts and we’re off again.
My oldest is getting ready for college this fall, and a small avalanche of paperwork has hit the house over the last few months. In a not totally unrelated piece of news, I took a part-time beginning June 1, so the long summer mornings I had planned to spend whipping this latest book into shape suddenly evaporated. In another six weeks or so, school will start again and I’m not sure how my schedule will shake out.
With all that said, my goal is STILL to get this book ready by fall. I’m a little better than halfway through the really heavy edits and rewrites (and first writes!). The first draft for this one was only about 50,000 words. (The other books run around 90-120,000 words.) But that’s okay. There were many spots that I left with a sentence knowing I’d fill in paragraphs later. Now it’s later.
Once I get through this draft, I should be able to post some preview chapters for you. I appreciate your loyalty and your patience. I want to ensure the book you get is the best it can be and I thank you for letting me take the time to get it right.
So how’s your summer?