Thy Word is a lamp to my feet,
a light to my path alway,
to guide and to save me from sin,
and show me the heav’nly way.
Forever, O Lord, is thy Word
established and fixed on high;
thy faithfulness unto all men
abideth forever nigh. [Refrain]
At morning, at noon, and at night
I ever will give thee praise;
for thou art my portion, O Lord,
and shall be through all my days! [Refrain]
Through him whom thy Word hath foretold,
the Savior and Morning Star,
salvation and peace have been brought
to those who have strayed afar. [Refrain]
Thy Word have I hid in my heart
that I might not sin against thee;
that I might not sin, that I might not sin,
thy Word have I hid in my heart.
Ernest O. Sellers, 1908
Read Psalm 119:9-16
We cannot overestimate how important Scripture is in the life of a believer. It acts as a guiding light, providing wisdom and clarity in times of uncertainty. In its pages we find comfort, inspiration, and a moral compass to navigate the complexities of life. God reveals Himself, His character and His ways through His word. It’s available to us in multiple formats, so it’s accessible almost anywhere we go. Dig in and hide the Word in your heart. you won’t regret it.