Lord I want to obey You,
not just when others are watching.
Lord, I want to obey You,
not just for the hope of a reward.
Lord, I want to obey You,
not just out of a sense of duty.
I want to obey You
out of love,
out of a genuine desire to honor and glorify You.
I want to obey with a pure heart.
Let my heart be blameless regarding Your statutes, that I might not be ashamed. Psalm 119:80
Lauren says
This is really true. I think you want to serve God to the point where:
A) You just want to.
B) You have fun doing it.
C) It's your passion and you deeply love it.
I found this happened with me and theater. I've come from trying our because I wanted to, to it being fun, to the point where it's a passion for me. I'm still on the spiritual journey where serving God is the same way. Worship, I could do all the time. There are so many songs out there I just enjoy singing to God, because "no one is watching". I make up songs to sing to Him because a lot of the time, if I were to choose to become a singer, that would be my genre. So, it'll be a great experience trying to get to the point where serving God is my passion.
Thanks for the post!