Thank you for your tremendous patience. EMBRACED is live!
The Kindle version is $2.99 through this weekend then it will be $3.99.
Paperbacks are also available. (Signed copies will be available just as soon as I get my copies.)
For those of you who prefer NOOK. It’s there too, and it’s also $2.99 through this weekend.
After the buzz dies down from the release, I’ll get to work on the edits for Book 3, UNDONE. There’s a preview in EMBRACED. I think it will blow you away. Then I’ve been thinking about revisiting the Molinskys … You know if I write a companion story, it wouldn’t necessarily have to follow SANCTION. I could maybe even focus on someone I killed off …
But you’ve got something to read right now. Thank you, thank you. Please read, enjoy, tell your friends, leave reviews.
You are a constant source of encouragement and blessing to me. I am deeply honored to write for you.
P.S. DON’T FORGET to enter the GIVEAWAY! It closes today too!