And when she rose up to glean, Boaz commanded his young men, saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her. Ruth 2:15
Boaz was a wealthy farmer, and his fields were full at harvest time.
We are surrounded by people whose circumstances have left them with needs and little recourse.
Boaz was generous. The law required that farmers allow gleaning. He offered more than just his castoffs.
We can go beyond what is expected in our interactions with others.
Boaz had great compassion. He used his resources to care for others.
We must not shame or question the motives of those who are in need.
But sometimes, we are more like Ruth.
Poor. Alone. Isolated.
With few other options.
Maybe with others depending on us.
God is kind. He is generous.
He calls us to His table.
He offers His riches.
And He will never shame us in our need.
See, Boaz strove to be godly in his attitudes and interactions.
Because we have often been like Ruth, we understand how important it is to seize the opportunity to be more like Boaz, and so more like God.
Four years ago, at the ripe age of 55, i decided to really Love my Jesus through obedience, and i began spending quality time with Him every day.
i became like Ruth in need in the temporal realm, but even more so in my spirit.
through my efforts of obedience, i grew by leaps and bounds.
i’ve been brought to mountain peaks of Joy, and to valleys of desolation; always looking for the day i could be like Boaz (spoiler alert, i’m not like Boaz …yet).
This past week i slammed face first
into pride.
i’m trudging my way through the aftermath, clinging to His robe of Grace.
if i could not lean into the Faith of Jesus, i’d go insane like Nebuchadnezzar.
Praise Jesus, i do know of His Grace! and i’m leaning into Him one step at a time.