Today I have an easy study tip for you. You'll be amazed not only by what you learn, but by what you retain if you put it into practice.
Read and reread.
That's it. Take the passage you are studying and read through it multiple times. (Rick Warren recommends at least 5 times in his Bible Study Methods book.) It's up to you to decide if you prefer reading in one sitting or spreading it out. I tend to glaze over if I do it at one sitting, but it takes a little more planning to get multiple readings in several days in advance.
For example, if you attend (or teach) a Sunday Bible study or small group (you know, Sunday school), start today and read through the lesson passage. Don't try to mark it, highlight it, or analyze it. Just read it. Repeat daily the rest of the week and by class time or lesson prep time, you'll have a tremendous foundation ready for God to build on.
Here's a special Christmas season project for you. This week, read Matthew 1 each day, maybe even in the evening with the family. Next week, read Matthew 2. The following week read Luke 1, and the week after that Luke 2. Soak in the details and the wonder of God who clothed Himself in flesh, and chose to live among us and identify with us.
Happy reading and re-reading!
Lauren says
Hm..I think I'll have to try that sometime soon. Thanks for the challenge and the post!