Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul. Acts 16:14
Lydia was a seller of purple.
She was engaged with the people around her. She was a businesswoman, and the nature of her business put her in contact with the upper class.
She worshipped God.
In spite of being grossly outnumbered by idolaters and pagans, she held to her faith in the one true God, even though there was no synagogue and no support network.
She was receptive.
Because she was already worshipping God regularly, He responded with a deeper revelation of Himself and His ways.
She was obedient.
Immediately after she believed in Jesus, she was baptized.
She was influential.
Her whole household was converted and baptized as well.
She put her resources to work.
She offered her home and hospitality to support the missionaries in their work.
We can be engaged, devout, and responsive, too.
We can be like Lydia.